Photobiomodulation and Pain Management esp for TMJ pain
The ideal solution for wound healing and pain reduction Photobiomodulation (PBM) provides a clinically proven, non-invasive solution for a wide variety of wound healing and pain management applications, offering procedures that are:
- Highly effective at pain reduction
- Non-invasive with improved healing
- Fast & simple
- Patient and practitioner friendly
PBM utilizes low-level, visible-red to near-infrared light energy, which stimulates cells to naturally heal, relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Additionally, the process results in accelerated tissue regeneration, stimulation of cell metabolism, increased lymphatic flow and stimulation of micro-circulation.
Description of treatment:
In this therapy, a light source is placed near or in contact with the skin, allowing the light energy (photons) to penetrate tissue where it interacts with chromophores located in cells resulting in photophysical and photochemical changes that lead to alterations at the molecular, cellular and tissue levels of the body. Light induces a complex chain of physiological reactions in diseased and damaged tissues to accelerate wound healing and tissue regeneration, increase circulation, reduce acute inflammation, reduce acute and chronic pain and help restore normal cellular function. Interestingly, recent research indicates that light can enhance performance in normal tissues and cells.
we are also able to use the photobiomodulation properties to enhance the lymph drainage and thus flush the toxins that create inflammation in your system.